Principal’s Message

Mr.Darshanbhai Vaghela
We all know well that the superiority of a school mostly depends upon its result and we have already proved ourselves on this criteria. We are well-planned with our qualified staff members to spread education as well as intellectual and cultural knowledge among our students.
We undertake different co-curricular activities. We have established a mini-library in our school to make the students curious and eager to read and spread knowledge. We have also undertaken different activities related to the mission “Vanche Gujarat”.
We are leading in implementation of all those suggestions and programs issued by the Government. We do all the following activities bestly, honestly and sincerely:
- To show the answer-sheets to students after assessment.
- To produce the annual planning in advance.
- To conduct educational tours successfully.
- To conduct educational seminars.
- To participate in training-camps.
- To shape students to participate in various competition.
I am cordially thankful to my teaching and non-teaching staff members for their honest, sincere and generous participation to make all these activities successful. I feel the serge of pride as the principal of such a continuously progressing school.
– Mr.Darshanbhai Vaghela